Fascinate even with distance. Exhibition & Corona.
7 m², 4 m² and 1.5 m: Magic numbers when it comes to safe trade fairs in times of Corona. Because these numbers regularly cause confusion, we unravel the tangle of numbers for you and show what this means for your trade fair presence in concrete terms. And - spoiler alert - an exhibition stand designed in line with Corona will also delight your guests.
Let's start with the 7 square metre. It's easy to explain where it comes from and what it's all about:
Trade fairs have always been places where things got knobbly. By 2020, visitors had an average of 0.69 square metres per person at their disposal. In times of pandemic, too many people in too little space. Therefore, the legislator regulated in the Corona Protection Ordinance that one person must now have 7 square metres of freely accessible space.
For organisers, this figure of 7 square metres per person is the key to calculating the maximum number of guests allowed per event day. In this way, the organisers can ensure that it will be possible for all people everywhere at the fair to maintain the safety distance of 1.5 metres. And that would also explain the figure of 1.5 metres. So this numerical ratio explains the general limitation of fair visitors.
In order to be able to hold trade fairs safely, however, the organisers have come up with much more than just limiting the number of people present at the same time. They have developed a comprehensive hygiene concept and are responsible throughout the fair for ensuring that it is adhered to and implemented. (Learn more >>>)
Does this mean that you are off the hook at your trade fair stand in terms of Corona conditions?
Unfortunately, no. Because the organisers' responsibility ends right at the edge of your stand.
From here on, you as an exhibitor are responsible for the safety of your guests. But I maintain that you already know this from your everyday life. You, or a designated person, ensure that hygiene rules are observed. You are also responsible for ensuring that surfaces or exhibits are adequately cleaned. Not rocket science, is it?
A little trickier is the corona-compliant stand planning itself. Now the 4 square metres come into play in combination with the already known 1.5 metres.
The organiser specifies that each person should have 4 square metres of freely accessible space. If you have now calculated with this formula that six people can enter your stand at the same time, then person number seven will light up the red alarm light in your head and you can take action. For example, by nicely asking the person to wait in the aisle for a moment. We all know from our daily Corona life that sometimes we have to wait and we accept it. It's just the way it is, we think.
And another little tip, if you don't already do it: make appointments to visit as often as possible in advance - then you can plan your time at the fair better.
To give you a better idea of the 4-square-metre rule, here is a calculation example:
In reality, however, your space will be quite full. In normal times, exhibitors quickly overbuild 75 percent of the stand area. This will be too much space for a stand designed in accordance with the corona. Because: the more you add, the fewer guests you can receive, provided you don't want to give up the safety distance. However, because fewer guests is not the purpose of participating in a trade fair, the trade fair stand should therefore be less built up. In trade jargon, this means: plan with a low degree of construction.
Okay. Let's assume that you use half of your stand area for showcases, exhibits and small storage. That would leave us with 25 square metres of freely accessible space. If we divide this again by the 4 square metres, we come to 6.25 people. If, for example, you operate your stand as a team of two, then you can still welcome 4 guests to your stand at the same time.
Everything clear so far?
A few more rules.
If you have a larger stand and, according to the 4 square metre calculation, 30 guests are possible at the same time, then you can see that counting the number of visitors quickly becomes confusing. In this case, the organisers therefore recommend providing the exhibition stands with entrances where you register your guests. They also recommend intuitive one-way traffic routing. And perhaps floor markings to help.
And for all stands, regardless of size, the following applies: to ensure that fair visitors leave themselves enough space in the aisles, your attractions must not stand directly at the edge of the stand. The requirement is to move them 1.5 metres into your stand. And wherever the safety distance cannot be maintained, Plexiglas panels can provide protection. For counters, for example.
Oh dear: I hope you don't have a headache after all these rules?
But please, relax and allow yourself to forget the mountain of information right away.
Because your stand builder will take care of the practicalities of designing a stand that conforms to the corona. That's what he's there for. He knows the rules and applies them according to your wishes. Ingenious, isn't it?
Okay. Now let's get to the really important question:
Does such a corona-compliant exhibition stand work at all?
After all, you don't want to exhibit and find yourself in a forest of Plexiglas panels set up in a one-way system that only puts you and your guests in a bad mood? Isn't your aim to inspire your visitors with your products and solutions, to pick them up, to draw their attention to your company and to convince them in the long term? That's what you want, isn't it?
So: How do the hygiene rules affect the individual design of your stand?
The bottom line is that a corona-compliant design means your stand will be more airy. More airy can also mean more spacious. Just for fun, google " spacious rooms". You will see that spaciousness is not the worst design principle. Perhaps this spaciousness is even something that will stay with us as the new normal after Corona. Simply because it is beautiful. Or also because we are currently getting used to so much space.
An attention-grabbing exhibition stand that captivates your guests is - note - no contradiction to an exhibition stand that complies with the applicable hygiene rules.
The conclusion: your trade fair stand that complies with the distance and hygiene rules can be designed to be just as fascinating and striking as in normal times. A target-group-oriented approach that guarantees you the attention of your desired customers is also possible with distance.
One last thought: Your guests will feel most comfortable with you at a distance, because that is what they are currently used to and accordingly also expect from you as a matter of course. This is another reason why you can present yourself to your customers as a reliable partner with a secure stand.
Try it out! >>> We will be happy to support you.
All the best - and stay healthy!
Yours, Petra Hallmann