Exhibitions & Corona: How will be the Re-Start?

Trade fairs are possible again. The opening perspective is important for the economy, that can't really be said loudly enough. But what will they be like in concrete terms, the first fairs for the re-start? We look into the crystal ball for you.
Trade fairs will have more of a community character - without any crowds.
The fairs will welcome fewer visitors in their halls, that is already certain. Reasons for this are the limitation of visitor numbers by the fair organisers, existing travel restrictions as well as precautionary measures by company CEOs who prefer not to send their employees to fairs yet.
But the visitors who do make the journey will definitely have a high interest in exchange, networking and procurement. They overcome not only kilometres but also concerns in order to finally be able to touch, try out and experience products and services again.
In other words, the quality of the visitors with great affinity to the topic will be relevant for the exhibitors. The trade fairs that ran under Corona conditions in 2020 have already shown this.
Exhibitor numbers will not match previous events.
There are many companies that have been anticipating the start of the fair, who will accept the Corona conditions and simply participate. They need the fairs as a business platform for their personal networking, business initiation and economic recovery. This is the group that will give the first fairs their face.
But overall, fewer companies will exhibit at the face-to-face fairs than usual. The decision to allocate the marketing budget for a trade fair with Corona restrictions will be difficult for some company management. They will therefore suspend the first fairs.
What trends will we see in the trade fair stands?
The majority of participating companies will make their exhibition stands more simple at the first fairs after the lockdown - if they do it right, of course, without giving up on showing the confidence-building personality of their brand.
The trade fair stands will therefore be less opulent than in the years before the pandemic. Feel-good lounges with sprawling furniture will therefore be rare to non-existent at the first trade fairs.
We will probably also see a trend towards smaller stand spaces with fewer square metres.
And for the most savvy among you: If you do exactly the opposite now of what everyone is likely to be doing, you will have a good opportunity to make your mark. It has never been easier. But it still takes courage to swim against the tide.
And the organisers will take care, with the zeal of a Mother Theresa, that their fair is conducted absolutely safely.
Because in this fragile situation, nothing would be more damaging to the entire industry than a hygiene concept that doesn't work. The organisers know: The trust of visitors and exhibiting companies is a valuable asset and must be protected and built up at all costs.
We are convinced that the event professionals will succeed in holding safe events.
What we haven't had for a long time is becoming something of value again. It will be the same with the first fairs after the lockdown.
It doesn't take much imagination to predict that people - exhibitors and guests - will enjoy the personal contact with each other and the concentrated exchange in pairs or threes. All the more so after the enforced abstinence.
The first Re-Start fairs will be remembered.
Don't you think that the first fairs after the lockdown will be under a special star? Tense anticipation among all participants and the awareness that personal meetings after the lockdown experience are not a matter of course will definitely make the first fairs very memorable.
Everyone will remember what it was like at the first post-lockdown fair even years later.
This creates meaning that will be remembered. This additional relationship-building effect will only happen at the re-start fair of the respective industry - it cannot be reproduced. Good for the companies that participate.
If you are one of those who would like to participate with your company in one of these special Re-Start Fairs: >>> We will be happy to assist you with our ideas.
Best wishes - and get through this time in good health!
Yours, Petra Hallmann